Why start from scratch when you can simply add to what’s there?
Has it come to the point where you need more space, but you don’t want to move because you love where you live? Or perhaps you’re looking to create a luxury holiday home that enhances your lifestyle and fits your unique needs?
Home extensions solve problems
If that sounds like you, let it be known that you are not alone. In fact, you’d be in the majority. An addition can solve loads of problems when it comes to firstly adding space and secondly, not having to relocate. Maybe it’s an extra bedroom that you require. Maybe it’s an additional bathroom. It could even be more entertaining space.
Fewer disruptions, less invasive
One of the great things about additions is that it’s not as disruptive. Typically speaking, if you have a first-floor addition carried out on your home to (for example) extend your living area, the rest of the house is relatively undisturbed. Of course there will be some inconveniences, however, it’s minimal by comparison to a new build.
Being able to carry on with life as normal, while the building takes place is a huge drawcard. Especially when we all live busy lives and have school and work to attend to.
At Sanders Construction Projects, our home additions have transformed properties all over the South Coast of NSW. Properties that were lacking space, now have excess and families that are growing now have enough room to house everyone.
Home extensions add value
Of course, it would be silly not to mention the market value increase of a home that has had extensions and renovations carried out. Any addition to a home is almost certainly guaranteed to add to the bottom line which in essence makes it a practical investment that you can enjoy and eventually cash in on. Whether you’re building a primary residence or a high-end holiday home, extensions are a great way to add both space and value.
Whatever it is that you’re looking for when it comes to a home addition, you can guarantee that we’ve been there and done it before. We’ve put additional rooms on houses, we’ve added bathrooms, laundries and even outdoor kitchen areas. Basically, if you have the vision, we have the know-how.
Are you considering adding an extension to your home?
Give Sanders Construction Projects a
call today to discuss an addition to your
home or property.